June 14th 08, I brought si Ndut from her home.....
I brought her to the grooming store, bought her all the stuffs i thought she would need.....
They adored and praised her....
Then I brought her to my friend's house and stayed the night there
They adored and loved her.....
I practically couldn't leave her alone....
If she woke up all by herself and couldn't find me then she'll start whining.....
I even had to sleep on the couch to accompany her...
And she would just roll herself up close to the couch...
June 15th 08, I started my journey to bring Ndut to Jakarta.....
I had to convince the travel agent that she's good and wouldn't be a problem in the car all the long way to Jakarta
Then I had to convince all the passengers as well....
And finally they allowed us to ge on....
Though I had to pick another destination which had less passengers...
She did pretty well the whole journey...
Never complained, never whined..... just as long as she was close to me.....
Dang the car..... Its tyres got into some problems, so we had to pull over then had to slow down.....
Dang the car.... Its air-cond sucked and malfunctioned....
I was worried with Ndut, since she was supposed to be in a cool-to-cold place
But she just slept her way so peacefully.....
She was never naughty.....
We got home.....
I was so proud of how beautiful and cute she was....
She wet my room.... LOL..... Kinda upset.... But nevermind.... She's nervous at her new home....
She wet my room the second time... Nevermind.....
And the third time and the fourth and go on....
LOL.... Looked like my plan to house-train her didnt start very well..... LOL....
Then she played by herself.... With the artificial bone I bought her.....
But she just didn't like to be ignored....
She would come and nip me if I got too concentrated on my computer...
Then she slept.... Then I slept....
Two hours later, she woke up and woke me up as well......
I had to get down to the floor to watch her play and play with her...
One hour passed by....
She got bored and slept away..... And so I slept too.....
But after two hours, she would just woke up again and she would woke me up too.....
It just went on and on and on.....
It pissed me off at the time.... But now..... I miss it......
Oh, and have I told you that I couldn't even go to the bathroom without her looking nervously and would cry and whine if I took too long?
June 16th 08, I had to skip work......
Felt not right to leave her by herself......
Besides I had to go buy her kennel......
But when I thought and re-thought.....
Guessed it's just too selfish to keep her alone for too long a time everyday when I had to go to work....
Guessed I had to take her home......
So I went straight JKT-BDG that day......
And again, she was so quiet along the way...... So nice..... So loveable....
She would roll herself up close to me then went to sleep.....
Finally, she got back together with her sister, Citta...., her mother, Wira...., her friends, Gilang and Arya....
She can play now all the way she wants.....
But when I got back to my room and saw the mess she left....
There's something missing.....
Hope we can meet again someday.....
And hope we can be together......
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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