Monday, October 22, 2007

Life is About Phases

Life is about phases...

You like it or not
You despise it or not
It will just move on and leave you behind

And once it does move on
You'll see that all you can do is to move on as well

By then,
An enlightment will come down to you
That life indeed is just about phases that you can't get attached to...
Even whether you want it or not

So cherish every moment of your life
Every happiness that passes you
Every bitterness that is bestowed upon you
For tears and laughters, love and hate were just phases
That made us who we are now and will make us who we will be

*dedicated to possum*

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pieces of Thoughts (2)

months and days passed
and I still wonder whether men were born to suffer

is the time gonna come?
when I don't need all these concealments and protections
when i can stop reeling around
when the sun goes down and I don't have to hold on to you

build me a home underground
free from light and sound
build me a home in the air
build me a home under water

well, good bye life
maybe in a better time we can be friends....

Pieces of Thoughts

I'm my own worst enemy
Should I give up?
Should I surrender?
Because I'm sick of feeling and suffocating
Please someone something put me out of my misery!
I can't hide anymore all the hurt inside...

What am I leaving when I'm done here?
Would you forget the wrong that I've done when my time comes?
Am I leaving behind some reasons to be missed?
Would anyone keep me in memory?

Gosh I'm so strong on the surface
but never all the way through...
Please someone something come and save me from myself!
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