Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fear and Pain (and Emptiness)

I’ve seen fear
I’ve seen pain in his face…

Fear of being known, yet pain of solitude…

I can see the truth through all the lies
I can see the world even through troubled eyes…

"He wants to cry
On someone’s shoulder

He wants to lie there on the floor
Next to someone’s feet

He wants to talk about it

With someone who understands

He wants to sit
Next to anyone

He wants to scream out loud

But still he finds no meaning

No answers at all

He used to find comfort in peace

Now he will choose hell over heaven

He feels the fright

He can see the death
He can see the emptiness

He can see himself tearing his own life apart
With anger

He wishes to surrender his soul

He can’t separate his fear from his pain

And now he is just empty..."
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